

Vice Presidential debates

How about this for a fun drinking game: Every time Sarah Palin says something moronic, inserts her foot into her mouth or doesn't actually know/have an answer for a question, take a shot of your favorite alcoholic beverage.

You'll be hammered within the first 20 minutes and the debates will be a lot more fun.


  1. i am watching for entertainment purposes only. and because there is nothing else on tonight. :(

  2. A coworker had suggested the same thing today. I told her I couldn't because I'm pretty sure I'd still be too drunk to drive tomorrow morning.

  3. but but but... what if biden says something stupid?
    do i have to throw everything i've drunk back up?
    even worse, what happens if i say something moronic myself?
    gewww. maybe i should take some pepto dismal.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. With any luck, there'll be more fireworks at tonight's debate than there were at Obama's nomination acceptance in Denver.

  6. this is ugly and i am starting to get tipsy.

    She can't pronounce "nuclear"


  7. I also noticed that, Lauren. Dubya does the exact same thing. :(

    She totally lost me when she gave a shout out to an elementary school class. I thought this was supposed to be a Presidential debate, not American Idol.

  8. i thought sarah palin did a great job. joe biden didn't even look at the camera for the first 20 minutes of the debate. i think she connected with people in, as thomas said, an american idolish way. people are tired of 'politics as usual.'
    i was sober thoughout the debate.
    and i'll probably still vote for obama.

  9. Palin did better than expected but I think Biden still easily won the debate.

    She dodged several questions and stuck to the "talking points" for the most part. Biden came off much more presidential.

  10. My thoughts: Palin looked and sounded polished, together and rehearsed. It seems like when she's left on her own (as in the Katie Couric interview) she's as empty as my checking account. When she's fed a script she can pull anything out of her ass.

    I'm still voting for Obama.

  11. i had to shut it off. her voice grates. her folsky BS act grates. "maverick" grates. bring me more tina fey.

  12. I can't wait until I run for presidency spouting "change" I have no idea how to deliver and the MTV generation votes me in. Then my complete lack of actual knowledge or planning can result in an even worse state for Americans...the difference being they will no longer be called "Americans" because my Islamic terrorist friends will have taken over...

  13. So what kind of drinking game should we devise for tomorrow's debate?
