


I was doing my grocery shopping today when I almost literally ran over a very tall, very sexy guy in the grocery store. We both tried to dodge the other, failed, dodged again... you know the drill. Finally he stepped back and I passed him and we sort of smiled and giggled at one another as I rolled on by.

Fast forward a few minutes. I'm standing in the check out lane. The guy rolls in behind me. He starts unloading his cart - 6 boxes of pasta, 3 loaves of bread, 12 cans of frozen juice. He catches me eyeing his purchases and asks why I'm smiling. I ask about the multiple purchases. We exchange a few words about our relative purchases. I pay and exit.

As I'm walking to my car, I decide that if I see him in the parking lot, I'll run over and give him my number. Why the hell not, right? Well, it started to pour and I finally see him, but I'm already in my car and driving away and I'd have to chase him down to give him my number. So I drive away.

But the moral of the story is that I ALMOST had the guts to go up to a total stranger in the grocery store and offer him my number. Which shows a confident side of myself that I have never seen. Turns out this dating lots of boys thing is really working out.


  1. Stupid rain!!!

    I love your dating stories.

    I'm glad your confidence is up though.

  2. I hope one day you will get the guts to fly out to minneapolis and tie me up and have your way with

  3. yay lauren! i am jealous! i don't think i could do it! but now you give me hope.

  4. That is impressive, he would have been a lucky man.

  5. Yeah, it ain't only me missing lately...Lol.

    Good one, next time U know what to do....

  6. Good story. Hope all's well with you.

  7. Man I miss you!! Hope you are doing good and making out with your dream guy:)

  8. 3 months, lauren! where are you?
