


I had this crazy dream last night. I dreamt that I was driving along in a car, holding a baby. The baby (well, he was more like a two year old) was hanging his head out the window enjoying the sweaty summer breeze. The sun shone down on the car as we sped along a curving, dusty road towards the beach.

I stopped by a white fence – the kind of white, split-rail fence that encloses a paddock – to ask permission of the child's mother to take him to the beach. The mother (who incidentally was depicted in my dream as my friend Leia's mother-in-law) was on her hands and knees in the dust, a straw hat on her head and a small spade in her hand. She was gardening, digging among huge tomato plants and God knows what else. Leia was with her. I asked if I could take the baby to the beach. The mother looked skeptical, but I saw Leia nod to her, as if to assure her that I would not harm the baby. The mother said it was fine and the baby and I took off towards the coast.

We arrived at the beach and started walking towards the water. All of a sudden, the sky darkened and the water became tumultuous. Without warning, a huge wave came racing towards the shore. Everything began to move in in slow motion – me, holding a small child, being sucked suddenly and fiercely into a 100-foot wave with no possibility of escape. I rode along its crest, held high above the beach and the swirling water. I saw the people below, the mother and my friend Leia, gesturing frantically towards me, but there was nothing any of us could do.

I was held aloft by the wave as it carried me far, far down the beach. Suddenly, I felt the wave disappear beneath me and I was plummeting towards the earth. I turned on my back, towards the sky, and cradled the child in my arms. We landed in a palm tree miles away from where we started.

I could see the mother and my friend Leia wildly searching for us, combing the beach to find some indication that we were alright. My dreamland self tried to catch their attention – "We're okay, we're in the palm tree!!" – but it was of no use. The mother sobbed violently and blamed me for taking her child to the beach... and then taking her child away from her.

As the search party left the beach, I somehow found a way to shimmy down the trunk of the palm tree to the littered beach below. The baby suddenly (and inexplicably) became my youngest brother. Not a baby version of my brother, but the full-grown, 19-year-old current version of my brother. I was still cradling him. Together, we took off down the beach in search of the mother.

That's where the dream ended. I woke up tangled in my sheets, curled tightly into a sweaty ball. My heart was racing. My body was shaking. And I felt like weeping.


  1. wish I would have been tangled up in the sheets with you ready to comfort you.

  2. Rocket - No joke.

    Brian - Thanks, I think. :)

  3. Dream world! What an intersting place. Glad it was so vivid, as it makes for good telling.

  4. I looked up some of the major symbols in my dream on Here is what I found:

    To dream that you are on the beach and looking out toward the ocean, indicates unknown and major changes that are occurring in your life. (Seeing as how I'm looking for a new job and seriously considering going to culinary school, this would be accurate.)

    To dream that you are caught in a tidal wave, signifies the strength of your emotions, perhaps accompanied by tears that you are holding back in your waking life.

    To see muddy, violent waves in your dream, signifies that a fatal error was made in an important decision. (No important decisions lately, although I sent my resume to my old boss for a job that would move me to Columbus. Maybe I'm subconsciously regretting it?)

    To see palm trees in your dream, denotes tranquility, high aspirations, victory, and hopes.

    To see your brother in your dream, may symbolize some aspect of your relationship with him. It can also serve to remind you that someone in your waking life has certain characteristics/behavior similar to your brother's. (I heart both of my brothers and want to protect them from the world.)

  5. Wow, that's scary.

    Brian, she's looking for a job, how about finding one at Minni? Or no tangled up sheets with U..:)

  6. Nice narration of the dream, very descriptive. So perhaps the baby/toddler symbolized your brother all along? That's nice that you feel that way, I think my older sister feels the same and I love her for it.
