

Britney Spears

Okay, I admit it: I have a slight obsession with all things Britney Spears. She completely fascinates me. It's a love/hate relationship. I love to read about her, speculate about her and listen to her music; I hate to admit it. She's not that talented or intelligent, but she's interesting, that's for sure. I can't get enough gossip about her.

So I was excited to preview her new album. And guess what? I really like it. It's fluffy and light (she's no gifted lyricist) and danceable. It probably won't win a Grammy, but it's good for a Moon Man or two.

Chalk me up for an album sale when "Circus" debuts next Tuesday.


  1. She's like a car wreck, you have to look and pay attention, especially when she wears short skirts. ;o)

  2. I already set my DVR for Sunday night's MTV special..

  3. Exactly...

    Sarah, I missed the MTV special b/c I was at my parents house!! I am hoping MTV sticks to its usual pattern and reruns it about a million times.

  4. good luck catching it! i haven't watched it yet myself.

    in similar news: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITNEY! heh.

  5. OK, I just watched it. Interesting, but nothing too revealing. I have to say, a lot of it seems fake and forced. Very little seemed genuine - maybe one exception. I want to like her, I want to root for her. But I just can't. :(

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