

Wow, I'm neglectful

As it somestimes goes with me, I've been suuuuuper busy. Boyfriend and I have had plans pretty much every weekend since - oh, I don't know - Thanksgiving!!! I don't have plans this weekend, so I'm headed to D-town to hang out with my family. I can't wait. It should be a nice weekend of rest and recuperation.

I'm not very good at keeping the blog updated, but if you want to stay up-to-date with me online, follow me on Twitter. I monitor Twitter for my job (yay, getting paid for fun stuff!) so I'm pretty active in the microblogging world.

At some point, you all know that I'll get this thing updated. 'Til then, please know that I do check in on you all through my Google reader (even when I'm not commenting).

Oh by the way --- how annoying is Octo-Mom? I'm ready for her to go away.

1 comment:

  1. Two thoughts about the octomom: 1. The media needs to stop paying attention to her because it only encourages her. 2. Those kids are gonna need a whole lot of therapy.
