

Everything looks better after you've taken a deep breath

I'm sorry I've neglected you of late, dear readers. Things have been very crazy for me the past few weeks. In addition to a general melancholy that resulted from the afore-mentioned bitch-fest administered by one of my supervisors at work, I have been incredibly lazy about updated and visiting your blogs. Rest assured that I shall do so as soon as possible - tonight, in all likelihood.

Anyway, things are getting better at work. I met with another supervisor and she was much less critical... and much more understanding of the learning curve that comes along with entering a new workplace. One of the biggest hurdles has been to adjust the way that I have typically done things with the way that my new office does things. But I've started to make that adjustment and as it turns out, all of the "complaints" (i.e. note-taking) were relatively small and easy to hammer out. So, things are good. And I'm a lot busier now, too.

In other random work news, I've decided that I have a big problem with shoes. Read: I have too many. I have been on a personal quest this month to wear a different pair of shoes every day without repeating a pair until I run out. I have just entered my third week. That's 11 different pairs of shoes. I know I can make it through the rest of the week, and probably will be able to make it through part of next week, as well. I know, I know... it's kind of weird, but these are the things I do to make my life more interesting!

Okay - I wanted to just give you a quick update before you wonder if I'm still alive. Thanks for always letting me vent and for your feedback and advice. :)


  1. Hi Imelda.

    Glad the job situation is looking up.

  2. I'm glad that things have improved for you at work.

    You can never have too many pairs of shoes. I know I won't be the only person to tell you this. :)

  3. The relationship between women and shoes is proof that God exists. The uncanny desire, dare I say need, for more shoes is something that cannot be explained by natural causes. It is clear that this desire was implanted from outside the natural order of things to be a sign of God's existence. Why else would someone be compelled to buy shoes that are uncomfortable?

  4. Heh...I find this funny!

    My shoes:
    brown penny loafers for winter
    tennis shoes for any time
    black strappy sandals for dress wear and summer at the office
    brown flip flops
    Man-Killer boots

    But don't ask me how many books I have...I could read a different book everyday for a year and still not see the end...

  5. Okay sister - if you're on to shoe problems, things are getting better :)

    Welcome back to this part of your life.

  6. Lauren. too many shoes is an oxymoron. they just don't go together. I love your shoe experiment. I may have to try it!

    glad things are looking up!

  7. Hehehe, Imelda (Marcos) indeed! I am a woman obsessed. And keep in mind that this shoe challenge is just summer shoes and dress shoes - I have approximately 10 pairs of boots for winter....

    Maybe I should post a photo diary of the shoes...

  8. hmm - I wouldn't even last a week... I have about five pairs of shoes. I like it that way. It makes my life easier.
    I do like to look at/try new shoes in the store though...

    yay for photo dieary on the shoes.. ;)
