

Quick Rant

Notice to Jessice Simpson: You have a great voice. Quit hiding it behind breathless lyrics and '80s beats a la "Holiday" by Madonna.

Look, I may be on "Team Lachey" when it comes to your love life, but I must admit that I liked you a lot back when you let yourself belt out tear-worthy ballads. I'm sorry to say, though, that my enjoyment of your music really started to diminish once you sold out.

So c'mon! I have high hopes for you next single. "Public Affair" just isn't doing it for me. Sorry.


  1. Lauren, i've been remiss in commenting, but I'm still here reading, fyi.

  2. I just listened to it. The similarity is pretty obvious, and unfortuantely it wasn't the video as I have never been a fan of her music, but she still looks great. It's too bad she has the intellect of a hammer.

  3. I wish I were home so I could download this. Jessica who? again?

  4. Dawn, I've missed your witty reparte, but I haven't really had anything comment worthy lately, so it's no biggie.

    Rocket, she is hot. I'm not sure about the intellect thing, though. She and her "people" know how to market everything from her name, to her image, to her hair, to her style... I think she might just act dumb because she thinks it's cute.

    Sherbears, don't think I've seen you around here, so welcome. Download Jessica Simpson's "Public Affair" and you will experience the similarities between her and early Madonna.

  5. Unless she was acting during her seasons of "Newlyweds", she is a very dull light bulb.

    Her parents certainly know their "business", but I am certain Jessica is NOT the brains behind it.

  6. Actually, I read an interview in Cosmopolitan where she said she plays dumb a lot of the time because guys like it. It set the women's lib movement back 50 years, but whatever.

    My question is: Why act dumb - no one will take you seriously?! If you have any intelligence, why not embrace it? I just don't get it...

  7. Yes, but did Jessica really think that buffalo had wings???

  8. Probably. She may also think that the British Royal Family have (Royal) Blue Blood (and yes we all know blood is blue but whatever). Silly girl - put more clothes on

  9. "...she said she plays dumb a lot of the time..."
    -- She plays well...

    I am embarassed to say that I have seen "every" episode of teh Newlyweds, and unless she is the greatest actor in history, she is stupid. She is not living in the same world as other humans.

    She is a great person, a loving human being, but intelligent, she is not.

    I think that her bank account argues that we do take it seriously. ;o)

  10. That was totally Madonna's Holiday! Creepy!

    Yeppers, I'm a newbie here. You can check me out at
