

This is why I started this blog

Thanks to all of you who expressed concern for my near-death experience. It's so nice to know that all of you out there that I've never met care what happen to me! :)

Anyway, I thought I'd recount a happier experience that defines why I started this blog. In other words, "Things that only happen to me."

I went to a bar last weekend, Lebo's... a not-so-hole-in-the-wall bar that's either in Ohio or Kentucky. I actually don't know, because going there you cross over the OHKY border about five times.

Anyway, I'm watching all the karaoke madness when Slash from Guns-N-Roses gets up and does a song. A Guns-N-Roses song, natch. Only in Kentucky. Hello, who else does that happen to?

While checking out the assorted crazies in the bar, I notice a man that is particularly attractive, except for the giant nipples protruding from his overly tight t-shirt. Regardless of his freakishly large nipples, he's still a good looking fellow, in that dorky way that I'm a fan of.

He ends up sitting at the table next to Rebecca and I and starts talking to us. When he asks if we're singing, Rebecca informs him that I, in fact, am up in a few minutes. He asks what I'm singing. I tell him "Son of a Preacher Man" by Dusty Springfield.

"You can sing that song?" he asks?

"I can sing the shit out of that song," I reply. Partially because it's true. And partially because I'm pissed off that he would question it. I mean, it's karaoke for God's sake, not American Idol (which, okay, is a glorified karaoke competition, but gimme a break, I'm trying to tell a story here!)

So I get up and sing. I sang the shit out of that song.

When I get back to my spot, the guy compliments my singing. Then he starts asking what I do, do I ever write songs, what kind of music am I into... assorted questions that don't have much to do with karaoke.

Then he offers me a spot in a band that he is putting together. Apparently, he is a local producer and is looking for a girl vocalist to join this group he's producing for. Swear to God, I'm thinking I just got discovered. He gives me his information and suggests I try out for the rest of the band.

Turns out, this band is a hard-rock, alterna, angry punk rock country band. In other words, they have no actual musical style to speak of.

I didn't call him.


  1. I would love to hear you sing the shit out of that song but until then I'll have to settle for Dusty.

  2. how could you turn that down! its like the bestest idea for a band with all kinds of crazy musicall genres. perhaps it would have been fun just to see how it works. i would love to hear some Anarcho-Punk Country its sounds wicky wack!

  3. ahahaha, that's a great story though.

    I can also sing the shit out of that song, although "hearing" your confidence, I vow never to try again.

    fyi, word verif: icybj - i'm not touching that one.

  4. that's an awesome story.

    i sing the shit out of all kinds of songs when i'm driving, but mostly i just make the songs sound like shit. *does not sing well*

  5. lauren, any chance tight t-shirt nipple guy just wanted your number? hehehe. sorry. i'mjust madeat you for putting that image into my head. *shudders*

  6. hello, sarah, meet my friend space bar.

    uh, that should have said i'm just mad at you.

  7. Interesting story to begin a blog!

  8. SOunds like alternative music with attitude (and significant nipples).

    I'd stick with the day job I think, but you must be flattered. Dusty is probably flattered too.

  9. that's so cool. singing in public is something i have yet to conquer. i bet you were good if that producer guy offered you a spot like that~!

  10. It's too bad that the band is not up your alley, but hey, at least you got "discovered"! It could be a "sign" that you need to go on American Idol or something! :-)

    I wish I could sing the shit of something, anything. I have no vocal musical talent of which to speak, although I can play the piano quite well.

    And, ugh... the large nipples thing... not a good vision in my head!

  11. Wow. Karaoke. Haha. I usually sing that country song by Friends In Low Places. I don't even like country either. But it would've been nice if it was a good band.

  12. It sounds to me like this guy was hitting on you! Anyway, I admire your bravery for getting up there and singing karoke. I am certainly not that brave!

  13. I'd like to take this opportunity to say that even though I have sung professionally, I have never sung the shit out of a song. I have however sung many songs like shit.

  14. what a cool story! Can't believe I didn't comment on this the first time I read it. Sorry 'bout that.

    i remember you having more of these kinds of stories in the past. I also remember thinking "this can't be real". i do believe you, though - it's too weird to be something you made up... *lol*
