

Social experiment

Last summer, fellow blogger Nerdine performed a little social experiment that I would like to copy. She volunteered to send a postcard to anyone in the world who wanted one... real mail from Norway!!! While she admittedly had more blogger friends than I have (and, let's be honest, will probably ever have!), I have decided to follow her lead.

While it may not be as exciting a locale as Norway, anyone who wants a little square of Ohio can feel free to email me their mailing address and I will send them a postcard, posthaste. So what do you say? Want to be pen pals?


  1. In! I'll email you my address.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OUt of courtesy, you may want to delete Gary's address, that was a bold move.

    I loved when Nerdine did this, she actually sent me two CD's.

  4. I got all of your addresses.... buying the postcards tomorrow!!

  5. so is it weird that i totally wanted to do it, but then became skittish about e-mailing you my address? like as long as you've had this blog it's been a ruse to get women's addresses so you can stalk and murder them? 'cause you're really that creepy jame gumb guy from silence of the lambs?

    yeah, i think i was feeling paranoid that day.
