

Falling to the dark side...

So, this is it.

I've fallen to the dark side and started a blog.

I know what you're thinking: How could the most technically-challenged person on the face of this planet every consider starting - and running - a blog? I can barely operate my cell phone most days. And I know that the number of people reading said blog will be limited to a few dedicated friends...but I thought it would be fun to share the crazy, quirky, funny, sad and scary moments of my life with a few million people worldwide. Yes, I'm a maverick.

So here it is, my first post! I guarantee they will get better with time. Well, no, I can't guarantee that...but I'll try.

So I guess you are all probably wondering about the title of my blog, "Gripping the Dashboard". It seems that every blogger has a deep and meaningful - or at least somewhat witty - title for their blog. Some are quirky, some are irreverant, some are descriptive of their personalities. I got nothin'.

So I got this. And I kind of like it. I suppose there is some double meaning there, i.e. I'm riding life along at a frightening pace, gripping the dashboard and trying desperately to keep from falling out of the car. And there's my deep thought for the day. Now I think I'll go get some Chinese food....

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