

Assholes...everyone has one. Some people have two.

My life is filled with fucking assholes.

Example 1: The Big Cheese is in from L.A. this week and sent out a fire-and-brimstone memo to the staff saying that there will be major cuts in expenses, salaries and staff. No word yet on when these cuts will be made. But it was nice of him to inform us three days before Christmas that we might be in jeopardy of losing our jobs. No one knows for sure who will get canned, who will be asked to take a cut, or how we'll all be affected by these cuts. Fucking Asshole.

Example 2: I have this tentative pseudo-friendship with Andy going on. It is nice: I find I like him a lot better when I'm not dating him. And we both know that there is no chance in hell of us getting back together. It is an unspoken understanding.

So when he asked me if I wanted to go see the Nutcracker, I figured "why the hell not." The show is supposed to be tonight. Did he ever call to confirm that we're actually going (even though he supposedly already bought the tickets, as per a conversation that we had a few weeks ago)? No. So when I called to see if we are supposed to be hanging out tonight, I find that he's gone to work. This is why we aren't dating anymore: because he is too inconsiderate to offer an explanation for his flightiness. Good thing I assumed that he'd flake and had already made other plans. Fucking Asshole.

Okay, needed to vent that. I'm going to go home and have a nice vodka tonic. Maybe two. And hope that Lori hurries up and gets home so we can hit the street with hottie Terry and have a good ol' time.


  1. Hope U scape from Big Cheese's cuts.....our jobs are goint to India and China.......I wonder what will happen to the middle class of this nation after I get out of college?

    U have a good reason to vent....never be considerate to inconsiderate person.....I never get these people who can't even call U to let you know there has been some changes....he may not mean it badly, but comes come up as one. Enjoy your life without him, as U already seem doing.

  2. Well, I did avoid the cuts...although my good friend and sort-of mentor, Natasha, did get laid off. Bummer.

    And yeah.... the thing is, I am over Andy. My life is great without him. But I'm happy to have him in it because I do care about him. I thought the "friends" thing was working. I don't want to be with him, but I thought he got that. Apparently not. Who knows?! I'm tired of caring. I'm tired of talking about it. I just don't care anymore. A true sign that I am over him!

  3. Yeah, how considerate of them to give you guys notice just days before Christmas. At least you guys have some days to save up some money for Christmas.


    Yeah, I would be majorly pissed!!!

    It's funny how we are reminded of why we are no longer with someone. It's like you're hoping they'll be better to you if they were just your friend. Sadly, it's hardly ever the case.

    I'll drink a vodka tonic for you, too.

    I hope you're enjoying your holidays, in spite of all of the above.

  4. Jux, it is a comment posting like that which truly makes me love and appreciate you. You have no idea what a catch you are, do you?

    Nova, welcome back! I hope your first Christmas is New York was great! I ended up having three vodka tonics, actually...maybe not the best idea, but I felt GREAT afterwards!

    This time within my company is very tumultuous...and seeing a few of my close friends being laid off has been very difficult for me. This has been my frist experience with job cuts, and it totally sucks. At the same time, I am selfishly grateful that it isn't me who is being let go. I recognize that I'm fortunate to be in a position that is somewhat protected. So while I may complain that I'm working too much or not making enough money or what have you, at least I'm working at all.

  5. Hey, another Resolution 2006: avoid assholes (and get a new job - you don't need to work with people who behave like that... and you can do what you want to).
