

Snow showers

I'm waiting for the snow.

The first big snowfall of the season is supposed to occur tonight, and I can't wait. I love the first snowfall, especially this close to Christmas. It truly feels like the holidays when there are a couple of inches of snow glistening in the yards.

The clouds build up steadily throughout the day, and you can smell it in the air that something is about to happen. The atmosphere gets heavy. The first few snowflakes drift down - hopefully, big, fat flakes that stick to your nose and forehead and eyelashes. And of course, you have to catch a couple on your tongue, a throw-back to childhood that is just too good to pass up.

There is a silence to snow....the whole world gets quiet. You're cocooned inside your house, all snuggly with a thick sweater and a fire and hot chocolate. Its like being in a snow globe, all beautiful and quiet and still. And the moonlight! The whole world takes on an ethereal glimmer.

The first snow should be celebrated. I can't wait for it to come down!

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