

Packing - Ugh

I'm in the midst of packing for my business trip to Chicago. Ugh. It takes me forEVER to pack. I usually pack too much, take a bunch of stuff out, then re-pack. Unfortunately, this means that it takes me twice as long as it should.

I'm a fairly organized person, but when it comes to packing for a trip, I can never get it right on the first try. I try to be judicious and pack only the items that I think I'll need - but inevitably I pack a pair of boots that I think I'll need and never end up wearing...and on and on.

I like unpacking at the end of a trip. It is easier for me, because I can just dump all the dirty laundry into the basket and slowly pick stuff out of my suitcase as I need to use it.

Question: Which do you dislike more, packing for a trip or unpacking after?

By the way, last night I went to Fricker's, which is kind of like a BWW but local to Ohio. It isn't the place where you'd expect to see a dance off...but there was! A dance off! I love dance battles, I am endlessly entertained by them and secretly hope to be in one some day. This particular dance off was between a 10 year old kid and a 22 year old kid. It was a break dance competition for an aluminum Budweiser sign. Oh, and it was '80s night.

Now this particular dance off is disturbing for multiple reasons. 1) It was between a 10 year old and a 22 year old. 2) It was to a Michael Jackson song ("Beat It"). 3) It was in Fricker's. 4) A 10 year old was in Fricker's on a Friday night after 10:00. 5) It was breakdancing. BREAKDANCING!!!

Dis.Turb.Ing. Yet entertaining!


  1. From suitcasing packing/unpacking to breakdancing in Frickers - you are an eclectic blogger Lauren...

    I travel about every other week in my consulting business and I don't mind packin or unpacking - I pack the night before I leave and dump stuff out as soon as I get home. What I don't like is how wrinkled my shirts get by the time I'm in a hotel and ready to use them.

    I do like ironing in front of the TV, then ordering room service though.

    Did you enter the dance-off?

  2. I don't mind packing, but don't like the unpacking bit. I don't like doing the laundry..

    Sound like an interesting contest!!
