

Apartment hunting

I went apartment hunting today. It was so exciting! I toured one place, then drove up to another that I'm touring next weekend, just to check out the neighborhood. Then I went shopping for a sofa. This is so weird! I feel like a real, live adult!

My next post shall be my 50th post. Can you believe it?! I think I'll have to make it a special one...


  1. oh, it totally kicks ass to be an adult. well, until it's time to pay the bills, but even that carries a certain sense of satisfaction and pride. or else i'm just weird.

  2. Congrats on the adulthoodness! I felt like an adult for the first time, not when I paid rent, or bought my car without a co-signer, or moved out of my parents house, but when I bought my couch (which Say Rah! will tell you I have an unhealthy attachment for)

    no, sarah, you're not wierd. I'm always proud when I pay my bills, all by myself completely independent of my parents.

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  4. Yo Lauren, wad up...

    Always good to Be In Love With Your Own Success.....Paying bills, moving out of parents home, finding self is the most rewarding thing can ever happen to some one in our age.....Enjoy it.

  5. I thought you were moving to Cincinati?

    Or is that where you're doing the hunting.

  6. My first adult-ish experience came when I moved away from my family a little over a month ago.

  7. Wudup Lauren....hope the day is going well.....

  8. Feeling like an adult for the first time is so wonderful! And there's just something about furniture shopping that makes you feel so good! I love it!

    Good luck apartment hunting!

  9. Way yo go on 50 posts :)

    May there be a 1000 more;)

  10. Moving both sucks and rocks. It sucks because finding a new place, putting a down payment and moving in is a pain. It rocks because the place, even if you are renting, can really be your own.

    Congrats on everything and I am looking forward to your 50th post!

  11. can't wait for your next post! i've been apt. hunting as well. so much to do! the big 5-0. wow. congrats.

  12. I don't feel like an adult yet - probably because I've never had a place of my own.
    Happy apartment-hunting! - AND 50 posts!
