

Taking Stock

This is my 50th post. When I started this blog six months ago, I didn't really know if I'd find the words to fill up all the blank spaces. I didn't know if anyone would read it. I didn't know if anyone would care. But it has been a good outlet for me. A place where I can vent my feelings and frustrations. I feel like I've accomplished a lot in the six months that I've had my spot on the web.

There have been so many changes in my life recently that I've been forced to kind of take stock. The 50th anniversary of my first post inspired me to recap what I've been through. I think you'll agree that it has been a pretty amazing six months.

In September, I admitted to the fact that my relationship with Andy was officially over. I decided not to cry into my vodka tonics about it for too long, and started putting into motion plans for a new, improved, better Lauren model.

Part of that plan was my first adult vacation. I took vacation time and a few hundred bucks and went to Hawaii. Maui, to be exact. One of the most beautiful locations on Earth. The trip itself was not beautiful, and resulted in the elimination of a long-standing friendship.

In October, I got my spot on the web. I started slowly. I also moved forward with plans for a breast reduction, a surgery that I have wanted most of my adult life.

In November, I cut my hair, which I'd been growing out long for two years. Suddenly, I could see my neck again. I also saw Andy for the first time since "the break up", which was kind of the turning point in our pseudo-friendship-relationship-mad chemistry that won't go away-thing. And thus began the "let's sleep together" ongoing cycle of bad decision making.

In December, I wrote a passive-aggressive blog post about my friendship with one of my best friends ever. Luckily, we moved on. My breast reduction surgery was approved. My job search officially began. And for the first time, I went to a movie by myself.

In January, it became apparent that the ex-sex thing with Andy wasn't working. I also started the official "moving on" process by going out on bunches of dates - none of which really worked out, but helped me get over the hump. One of the biggest decisions came in cutting off all ties to another long-standing friend, affectionately referred to as Mr. Big. He was my first love, the person who claims to want to marry me, but never does anything about it. I decided I had enough and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Here's where it really got interesting. I had a HUGE breast reduction, which drastically affected my ability to do even the most basic tasks. I took four weeks off from work. I also retooled my resume and began looking for jobs in earnest.

In March, things got even more interesting. I took an art class - my first - and I did it by myself. I found a job that will be perfect for me in this next phase of my career. I resigned from my first job ever. I decided to move to Cincinnati, which also required me to move out of my parents' house for the first time since college ended. I saw Andy and repeated the dreaded cycle. Then I realized how much of my feelings are still tied to this man, how much I still care about him and how much a part of me still hopes that we might work out in the future.

Re: Andy, I've realized that I need to just not talk to him at all. When we're not really talking or hanging out, I think back on our relationship realistically: It was a lot of fun, I fell in love with a great guy, but it just wasn't what or who I wanted to deal with at this point in my life. When we are talking a lot or hanging out, I think back on our relationship in a more romanticized, "it was so great" way. Each time I see him, I remember why I fell for him in the first place, and I feel sad that we ended. We have chemistry together that is out of this world; but great chemistry doesn't mean shit if you can't get along or you don't know how to love the other person, or even if you can. So no more dwelling on it or thinking about it.

I've made a lot of touch choices and a lot of tough decisions in the past 6 months. I found when I was setting up this post that I can measure the past 6 months in big steps. Sometimes, you need to take big steps to get where you want to go. I feel like I'm on the right track. I'm excited to see how long my legs will stretch.


  1. congratulations on making it! And we enjoy your little slice of the web.

    you've made some big decisions and i applaud that!

  2. Well done....and congratulations.

    U have had some ups and downs in the last 6months, but it seems U came out on top.....Hope the next 6months are memorable and joyful......

  3. That's some six months. I think I came in about the time you wre awaiting the surgery or a little before.

    Lots of decisions. I look forward to what happens next.

    Fifty is nifty.

  4. It's great to look back, isn't it? And time is such a funny thing, it really does play tricks on you. I'm long past my 50th post marker and my 6th month, but I have started thinking about my first anniversary post. What to write, what to write...

    I love the way you've laid all your life out like this in (semi) point form. It makes it easy to fit into what's currently going on with you.

    Your blog is great. I'm glad we've crossed paths.

  5. Ack! I looked at my posts and realized that I'm past 300 and past one year, with no celebration at all...

  6. Dawnmarie - Thanks! And just because you've past post 300 and one year doesn't mean you can't still celebrate! It's just a delayed celebration!

    Dem - You've been around for most of those ups and downs. I'm glad you stuck with me!

    Granny - Yeah, I think it is the craziest six months I've ever experienced!

    Carly - I'm glad we crossed paths, too. I need to start linking all my new buds!

  7. you have definitely accomplished a lot these past six months, and I've enjoyed reading your ups and downs.
    looking forward to reading at least 50 more posts from you, Lauren!

  8. Nerdine - it has really helped me to have this online journal to vent... and to know that so many people share my thoughts!

  9. Love the re-cap. I look forward to reading more of your stuff. Your straight-forwardness is always a pleasure to read. Love to hear more about the before/after breast reduction and how you've changed mentally overtime.

  10. Keep it up sis....Looking forward to reading more from U.

    Enjoy the day....

  11. Oh Bougie One - You will definitely hear more about the before/after breast reduction story. I plan to do some pics once everything is "in its place" but that won't be for a few more months yet!

  12. lauren -

    omg! i have my own "andy" and i am where you were just a few months back. i'm glad there is light at the end of this ridiculous long tunnel. congrats and thanks for giving me hope! :)

  13. Sarah - It must be something about the name! Plus, I'm one of those people who tends to dwell on previous relationships and over-analyze what went wrong. I hope you find your way, even though it is hard!

  14. Wadup Lauren!

    Hope Friday is going great...enjoy the weekend...

  15. "Friday""Enjoy the weekend"? I need some sleep...Lol.

    Hope U had good weekend...
