

I'm still here, but barely!

Whew! Okay, this has been a weirdly boring and stressful week. Posting will be sporadic until I'm all settled into my new job and new apartment, the latter of which will not occur until the first weekend of May.

Anyway, here is some evidence of my week:

1) Started the new job, was really excited. Then got thrown onto some projects that I'm really not qualified to lead. It isn't a self confidence thing, it's just simply not having the skills at this point in my career that are necessary to handle the job. I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but I'm just all talked out about it.

2) Bought a mattress. I now have all the furniture I'll need to move in... when I'm able to move in. For those of you keeping score, that is couch, mattress and the TV I already have.

3) I have a sinus infection that is causing the left side of my head and face a lot of pain. Weird that it is only one one side of my head, but whatever. Now I'm on medication, but since my new insurance card hasn't arrived, I had to pay for it all out-of-pocket before I can be reimbursed. Sucky.

So anyway, there is a post forthcoming that is in the style of the Bougie Black Boy, which will be good for me to get out. So look for that a little later. Other than that, I'm getting my hair cut today so that will be good. Ah, scalp massage!!

And thank you all for your lovely and positive comments. I liked reading them all this week, even though my access to the internet has been a little dicey and I haven't been able to visit you as much as I normally have (or would have liked to). Hopefully that will be remedied soon!


  1. Starting a new job and getting settled into a new place - sounds oddly parallel to my situation!!!

    Good luck with the transition and adjusting to your new and exciting path.

    And a haircut will feel so great! I just got one today myself!!!

  2. I'm glad you're back! missed yo ulast week!

    vsaqmhgh= a squishy hug

  3. lauren..Good to hear that....never easy when U start a new job, plus moving at the same time....Good luck......

    Don't forget the remote control..:)

  4. Yay for haircuts! I just got one last night too. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  5. One sinus, one side.

    Back in my hippie days (lol), a mattress and a couch were sufficient and I could have foregone the mattress if necessary.

  6. oooh - I LONG for a scalp massage right now... Maybe I'll call my hairdresser for an appointment.. My hair is WAY to long for me.

    Don't have couch or TV but I do have a mattress... It's all you need babe! :)
    Oh - and a computer of course.

    good luck with the moving and stuff!
