

Gasping for breath

It was a typical bar scene: Dim lighting, blue-grey smoke hanging in the air, loud conversation and whatever music was playing on the jukebox. Seeing Andy there wasn’t a shock, after all, “our” friends were all there. They clustered around a table, beers in hand, cliqued off by couple or by conversation topic.

I took a seat next to Andy, as I normally would, and attempted to start up a conversation. But his response was chilly, and eventually he walked away. I resumed my socializing, talking instead to some of my other friends.

After some time had passed, I thought maybe I'd attempt another conversation with Andy. I saw him through the haze of smoke and the maze of tables, so I waved him over. I was in the mood to talk to him; finally, I was at a point in our relationship where seeing him, speaking to him didn’t remind me of what we’d had. I was at a point in our relationship where the phrase “just friends” was palatable. It had taken me so long to get there that I was grateful for the feeling. And I wanted to share that feeling.

“I don’t understand why she keeps talking to me,” Andy said to Rob (Julia's boyfriend and Andy's best friend). “It’s like she’s trying to be friends or something.”

“I don’t know, dude,” Rob replied. He turned back to Julia, unconcerned.

I was hurt by the statement, and confused. The last time I’d seen Andy, things were awkward, but was that any reason not to attempt civility in public? My face probably betrayed my inner thoughts; I’m not very good at controlling my facial expressions and reactions to others. Especially my reactions to him.

So when he walked over to my table, I thought maybe he was going to make peace and play nice. I slid off my bar stool, ready to greet him. But my hope for a civil friendship started fade as he got closer. The stormy expression on his face spoke not of making peace, but of making war.

I suppose I shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was when he bent me back, over the table, and started choking me.

I felt his hands around my windpipe. I felt the air trapped in my throat, buried under the fear. I don’t know how I got the strength to break his hold, but somehow I did.

“What are you doing?!” I shouted at him.

"Why are you trying to be friends with me?! I don't want to be your friend!" he shouted in response.

He moved so quickly, I didn’t guess his intentions. He pushed the leg of a nearby barstool against my throat. He face was red and angry. There was a hatred there that I've never seen before on anyone... it was scary and I started to panic. "He's going to kill me," I thought. My vision started to dapple, but even as I felt life being strangled away, I registered the nonchalance on the faces of the other people in the bar. I'm not sure they were even looking at me or aware of what was happening. It was just another boring scene in a bar to them.

Imagine my relief when I woke up in a cold sweat, sheets tangled around my legs, heart pounding wildly in my chest. The room was dark, the house was quiet. My mind was groggy… but the dream stayed with me.


  1. DawnMarie said :shock:

    I responded - Yes, perhaps there are some psychological implications of this dream!! Does anyone have a dream dictionary?

    I somehow posted this twice and then deleted the one with Dawn's comment.... stupid blogspot.

  2. Wadup Lauren.....

    What a crazy dream! I ain't dream reader, but:) has he ever hit U?

  3. Wow I was so ready to get on a plane and kick some ass until i read the last part. Lauren I don't even know you really but I me and northwestern airlines got your back. I would be out there stomping fools.....

  4. holy crap, lauren. i also thought that it was for real until the very end. scary.

  5. Great post lauren, maybe your best !

    I hate dreams like that. Those are the ones where you have to keep yourself awake for at least 5 minutes before going back to sleep.

  6. Well, I should guess it stuck with you.

    Here's where I go to interpret my dreams:
    It's okay, but if someone else has a better suggestion, let me know.

  7. Frightening dream...fantastic writing!

    If you ever find a man being violent in any way to you - even emotionally, don't accept it for a moment. No one is worth that.

  8. I swear I posted a comment on here! Where did it go?

    Anyway, that's one incredibly freaky dream! Definitely not cool.

  9. Lauren! You deleted me? *hurt*

    zhkstf = the pain you feel when you're deleted.

  10. Quick side note: Andy was not an abusive boyfriend, at least not physically. Although he was somewhat psychologically controlling (i.e. everything was always about him, and never about me) he never hit me. There was one incident that occurred at the end of our relationship that can perhaps be justified but can't be forgiven. Physical violence - against anyone - is never the answer.

    Dem - So in short, no he didn't hit me.

    Alecia - My thoughts exactly.

    Brian - Thanks. It's funny how the blog world makes you feel connected to people that you don't even know, isn't it?

    Sayrah - I wrote it that way on purpose. The dream felt so real and so weird to me.

    Rocket - Five minutes?! It was at least half an hour. I just laid there and wondered, "Am I repressing something?"

    Carly - I went to the site you offered up. Here is what it said about the two most important themes in the dream:

    BAR - To dream that you are at a bar, signifies your desire to escape from the stresses of your daily life and retreat into a light-hearted environment where pleasure abounds. Alternatively, you are seeking for acceptance in some aspect of your daily life.

    CHOKING - To dream that someone is choking you, indicates that you are suppressing your emotions or that you may have difficulties in expressing your fears, anger, or love. Consider the phrase "being all choked up". Alternatively, you may feel that you are being prevented or restricted from freely expressing yourself.

    Gary - I absolutely agree... that is, until I was in a relationship that was emotionally damaging. It's weird: No matter how many times I said, "I don't deserve this" or "I'm better than this", it is a lot harder to break away than you would think. I found myself defending, justifying, protecting HIM, rather than myself. As a woman who prides herself in having standards and being strong, I found myself ashamed to have allowed him to get away with that kind of behavior. Perhaps I should explore that in a future post.

    Rachel - It might have gotten deleted with the other post. I'm not sure what happened, but apparently I posted it twice?

    DatingMaster - This was kind of an intense post for your first experience here! I agree, this is definitely a sign from my subconcious to continue as I've been doing and keep him out of my life.

  11. Dawn - It was an accident, I swear! I somehow posted twice, but the comments never showed up, and then I got the "An administrator has been contacted" message so I just said "F it" and started over. Sorry about that!!

    lcbjkxw - The sound you make when you accidentally delete someone's comment.

  12. I was going to say, "Holy crap!" but somebody already did that. I will say that I think sometimes our dreams are our subconscious mind's way of trying to warn us about somebody, some aspect of them we may have glimpsed but didn't consciouly realize. Does that make sense?

    Do dreams like this haunt you the whole next day? I can't get over them until I sleep again.

  13. JuBlu - My mom said the same thing. Although I know that Andy is very opposed to violent reactions (a family thing that he never really talked about), when he got angry he got MAD. And that could be scary. So yes, I think that my subconcious is supporting my concious decision to stay away from Andy and keep him out of my life all together.

    Dreams like this haunt me for days. I actually had this dream on Thursday night, but still can't get it out of my mind!

  14. So, does the interpretation make sense to you?

  15. You really got me with this one, Lauren. I thought it was for real until I read that it was a dream!

    I have never been a good interpreter of dreams, but somehow, this one shouts out that you should stay away from Andy and your dream forebodes that he will only bring you bad and negative interaction.

    **phew... Thank God that it was only just a dream. I was ready to fly over there, my swords in hand, and let Andy know that he will have to face me for hurting you!!!

  16. Carly - Well, I suppose "escaping stress" ties back to the fact that I just started a new job, and I was feeling pretty stressed and overwhelmed by it last week. As for suppressing or having difficulty expressing emotions, I am pretty free with my thoughts and feelings... to most people. I do have difficulty with Andy, though, because he makes it really difficult. If I were to tell him I'm hurt about something and I want to talk about it, his response would just to apologize and not discuss it... Discussing any problem automatically, in his mind, made it a fight. So I can see the connection there.

    Nova - Thanks for having my back!

  17. Wow! What a great story! I mean great in your descriptive powers and the drama of it. Surely it was a horrifying dream, but remember the dream tells about the dreamer not the subject of the dream.

  18. OMG! I was about to write all kinds of comments about this guy. But then at the end I read that it was a dream. ha ha. You got me going there for a minute. But I think your dream probably portrayed what your deep thoughts really are. I believe dreams have meaning.

  19. Hope Friday night-out :)is going well....

  20. OMG! What a post! I really thought it had happened until the last paragraph. Thank God, it was only a dream!

    This is a very Bougie post!

  21. Will - Definitely.

    Dem - It went!

    Sumeeta - I was inspired by Bougie to get back to my more creative roots. I definitely emulated his style, no doubt!

  22. i'm so glad that was a dream! scary..(hugs)
