

Um, hello?!

Stupid horoscope: "Money matters should be going very well for you right now, dear Pisces, and therefore today you might decide to make a long-desired expenditure concerning your home. You might decide to buy some furniture, do a little redecorating, or even go out and purchase a new home. Land investments might also warrant some considerations. Whatever you do, you'll enjoy doing it, and the results could make a very positive difference in your home life. Enjoy!"

Maybe this means I'm going to win the lottery today...


  1. nice, that's my horoscope too. happy belated birthday.

    now i want to buy furniture.

  2. hey, my horoscope too!

    *whines* but I just bought furniture!

  3. I think I have already laid claim to the powerball

  4. Happy belated birthdays, fellow Pisces!

    Brian - you have treasure buried in your backyard. Let me have the powerball...

  5. Did I tell you happy birthday?

  6. FYI, this didn't work out so well for me today. in fact, I "lost" nearly 300 dollars.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Wow. I'm a pisces too. And I am going to buy a new home or at least I preleased an apartment. And I'm also looking for furniture. This this freaky cuz it's dead on. I'm sure I'll enjoy myself this weekend shopping. Oh yeah. Good luck on the whole lottery thing and thanks for the horoscope.


  9. Have U won the lottery?...There's always tomorrow babyyyy....

    Good luck with the furniture!!!!

  10. Well, I didn't win the lottery... but I was looking in the paper after work and I found an ad for the grand opening of a furniture store. No interest for a year, and the bedroom set was something I could live with. So I didn't spend or save anything today, but maybe I could have some furniture soon?
