


Although I don't officially move until the first weekend of May, I've been taking the time lately to go through all of the stuff I've accumulated in the past 25 years. Yesterday, I took on my desk: This gorgeous, real wood, roll-top number that I got when I was probably about 8. The insides of the drawers still smell like the original new desk smell.

That desk has certainly seen it's fair share of stuff, so yesterday I set about cleaning out the bottom drawer. I've always considered it my "file" drawer, where all my old papers and stories and journals and stuff went. I'm sure you'll see some of my former work resurface here.

I came across an old journal from college and opened to a random page. And stepped back in time, to the first semester of my junior year (that would be late 2001, for those of your keeping score). I read the pages greedily, and then found myself flipping the pages to the front part of the journal and starting over again. I am grateful that I took the time to chronicle that part of my life; even if reading it reminded me of sadder times.

The page that I randomly flipped to detailed the break up with my college boyfriend, Joe. I was very much in love with him at the time that I'd written the entry - and the one after that, and the one after that.... Some of the pages were a little smeared with long since forgotten tears. Sometimes, the script was hastily scrawled, as if I'd been rushing to commit my thoughts to paper. Other times, it was very neat and measured; I must have put a lot of thought into those entries. In the early part of the journal, there was happiness, giddiness, excitement. An overwhelming outpouring of emotions that were too big, too much for the pages. At the end, there was pain, and bitterness. Grief. Loss.

But as I continued reading past the break up and the disintegration of the friendship that followed, the entries about or pertaining to Joe became less and less frequent. The journal started taking the shape of my life that year - where I'd gone, the men I'd dated, the friends I'd had. I'm not sure what facilitated the healing of my heart, whether it was time passing or the gradual mellowing of my feelings. The last few entries didn't mention him at all.

It was good to be reminded of our relationship. I remembered how much I'd hurt when it ended. But I also remembered how much and how deeply I had loved this person. To be able to read about my life at that time, to think about Joe and what transpired between us - good and bad - to be able to look back on it fondly and without regret is truly a gift. There is no more pain, bitterness, grief or sense of loss. Only the knowledge and happiness that he has a good life now, and a hope that it will continue.

I smiled to myself, thinking back on that time. And then I put the journal away in a safe place. It won't come with me when I move. It will stay in a box at my parents' house, gathering dust but not forgotten. Waiting for me to be reminded again.


  1. I think you have just encompassed in this post everything that is beautiful about journal writing.

  2. Thank you, Sumeeta. It was like therapy - not only reading everything again, but being able to step back, appreciate it and then write about it from a different perspective.

  3. Wadup Lauren......Measure of life lived well, with so much degree of changes, is all I sense of your 25yers. Journal, helps us to return, amd to some what live and go back to our past life. Our sadness, and our happiness, the relations, love we shared with others, going through them always brings some emotions....

    Good luck with the move....

  4. I don't journal at all, except once when I backpacked across Eurpoe with my best frined after college back in 1994.

    They are great at capturing a moment in time.

    Good luck on the move.

  5. I have journals that I've done that with. Filled them up, gone back and read. Sometimes I'm glad that I've got those moments marked down, other times I read and think, "Why am I bringing all this up again?" Either way, for me, I have to write my thoughts and feelings out, because sometimes, people get sick of hearin ya complain about things, hehe. And it's just good for me to say it all. Puts things into perspective if you can go back and read your thoughts and feelings.

    Good post. Very bitter-sweet.

  6. i love poring over my old journal entries. it shows me that i have in fact changed, grown, learned something over time. great post :).

  7. Dem, thanks. I bought a couch yesterday, so now all I need is a bed and I'm set!

    Rocket, I love to journal. I do it here, but I also keep a private one for all the other stuff. It is a GREAT outlet!

    Alecia, that is exactly why I journal, too. Even though it was bitter sweet, I enjoyed writing this post.

    Joey, thanks. I think I'm going to go bak over all the journal entries I've written. Just reading this entry was enough to expose some things that I still need to work on. That will come in a later post!

  8. lauren, this was a beautiful post.

  9. Wow. The only thing I've read from my past were stories I wrote when I was in elementary school. It would be a trip to read your own personal journals from the past that takes allows you to time travel. At least you know you're moving on and everything changed for the better.


  10. Nice post Lauren.I am a lot older than you, but can relate and have kept many 'relics' over the years. Once in while I dust something off and let the memories flow...

  11. Dawn, thank you. I actually think this is one of my favorite posts.

    Will, there is so much to learn from old journals and "stuff". I have been reading a few other things this week - I was so dorky in my earlier years! Oh, wait... I'm still dorky...

    Gary, I can't wait to read this again in 10 years!

  12. "I bought a couch yesterday, so now all I need is a bed and I'm set"

    There U go......Hope the day went well.....

  13. I have a friend who is a meticulous jounaler. She has book upon book filled with her physical and emotional history. I am so envious of that. I am awful at keeping a journal. The only time I've been able to was while I was in Paris and even then, I started out strong, but peterred off the longer I was there.

    Great post, Lauren.
